In 2003, I was in my early 30s, having transitioned away from my dream of becoming a musician and towards a lifelong goal of being a reporter, specifically a sports writer. I had just graduated from Algonquin College’s outstanding journalism program and was seeking employment. Fortunately, due in part to the Media Club’s recognition of my academic successes, I landed a job at the Ottawa Sun.
Gosh it was different back then. A 6p.m. deadline, no social media considerations, no need to “live tweet” from an accident scene or the court house. Heck, I only had a “pay as you go” cell phone for absolute emergencies. But the thrill of the job was very real. In my time I broke a couple of big stories (the provincial government forgiving the costs of road infrastructure to the new hockey rink in Kanata was one of my best I think). I also wrote some fun columns. I remember interviewing a New York fashion designer about the awful uniforms of the New York Islanders when the Senators were facing them in the playoffs. I got the New Yorker to admit that our fashion sense in Canada’s capital at least when it came to hockey was much stronger than the Big Apple.
Sadly there was no permanent job available at the Sun and when my wife and I found out we were expecting our first child we decided to move back to the hometown of our youth – Quesnel, British Columbia. My wife’s parents lived there, and a sports reporter’s job had just opened up at the local newspaper, The Observer ( a paper I’d delivered as a young boy) so it was a natural fit. In my first few months I excelled, pouring everything into my job. I won sports writing and photography awards, contributed a complete reimagining of local sports coverage, and helped the newspaper’s production team transition to a new-fangled digital layout tool (yes they were still actually “cutting and pasting” for the press!) and the publisher asked me to take on a new role.
This was when the value of relationship building began to hit home to me. I had always treated sources well and valued the back and forth relationship between a reporter and his “sources close to the minister,” but being the editor of a small town newspaper is a lesson in diplomacy, tact, patience and above all, relationships. Over the next two years we transformed the paper. We won awards, modernized the approach and developed the standard for the website publishing etc. We solidified the newspaper’s reputation as the local source for news.
In early 2005, the City Manager for Quesnel approached me at an event and said he was considering creating a “communications” or “public relations” position at the city and asked if that was something that would be interesting. I told him there were likely several candidates in the City who would be interested and do good work. After a very thorough recruitment process, I was tapped for the job and started in the summer of 2005.
Working in Public Relations has a LOT of similarities with reporting. We tell stories, we shape opinion, we inform people, but above all else, we value friendships.
Very early at the City, I was approached by a couple of colleagues in Prince George, who were members of CPRS*. “What’s that?” I asked, so they invited me to a meeting. Turns out it was the AGM. You know AGMs aren’t necessarily the most riveting occasions, but it was here that I first formed two friendships that have lasted more than 15 years now. And those friendships led to more contacts and I was afforded the ability to learn about my new job, my responsibilities from colleagues and friends. Some eight years went by at the City – we won awards, passed successful referenda, persevered through multiple election seasons (pay attention to local government folks – they’re important!). And throughout that time I continued to curate relationships and grow bonds with people that have lasted decades.
One of those early friendships I formed in Prince George was a person who worked for the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC). He was the head of External Relations and a brilliant mind when it comes to communications, promotions, government relations, and more. My wife and I would often joke that Quesnel was as far north as we would ever want to live (we aren’t “winter people”) but I always kept in my mind that if anything ever opened up at UNBC, l would be interested – it’s only 120km farther north.
Sure enough, in 2013 I landed the job of Communications and Media Relations Manager for one of Canada’s best small universities. I was over the moon. I had learned a lot about relationships in my years as a reporter and now in public relations, and was pretty excited about entering a new sector. Fortunately, thanks to my time in Quesnel, I already had some pretty established relationships with the regional media, so that element of the job was pretty straight-forward and thanks to my colleagues at CPRS, I knew one of my new co-workers well, which made the transition into the office much easier.
From there, I began meeting people in the University Community, from faculty members to students, alumni to staff, and I came to quickly understand that this was a community that can only be navigated one way – by forming effective relationships based on mutual understanding and respect. Largely that is what I have focused on over the past eight years, along with building and strengthening an outstanding team in the communications and marketing office.
To be clear, it has not been easy. We have had some turbulent times, from strikes to budget cuts, layoffs to leadership changes, but all that comes with the territory. Throughout that time though, no matter how contentious an issue, I have relied on my ability to value relationships, foster dialogue, and ethics. I am not a “spin doctor” or looking to”get out in front of things.” Rather, I am engaged in the profession of public relations, the “strategic management of relationships between an organization and its diverse public’s, through the use of communication, to achieve mutual understanding, realize organizational goals and serve the public interest.”
(Flynn, Gregory And Valen, 2008)
Public relations has so enthralled me professionally that I have taken on several volunteer positions with CPRS. I started by working with the Northern Light Society, based in northern British Columbia, as their membership chair. That position reaches out to prospective members and works with current members too.
Guess what – relationships! I eventually became president of the chapter and served for more than 10 years on the executive. I have since turned my sights to national affairs and currently sit on the CPRS National Board of Governors. It is an honour to be part of such a progressive association.
I am sure you will see the theme in my writing here, that relationships have been key to my successes along the way since being a young reporter. At every step of the way they have influenced my decisions, helped me achieve great things and provided a wide range of options and viewpoints that have helped shape my understanding of the world today. Whether talking about such diverse topics as racism, land rights, the economy, arts, sports or the greatest movie of all time (it’s the original Star Wars and the discussion is now closed) relationships have allowed me to learn, to change my mind, and to become a better husband, father and person.
Without my early grounding in media, and the encouragement I received from organizations such as the Media Club of Ottawa, I would not be who I am today, and I am eternally grateful. I also want to give a special shout-out toJune Coxon – June clearly understands relationship building. She even came to visit me on campus when her travels brought her to Prince George – Amazing!
I trust that some of this will resonate – I think those of us working in the ever-shifting media/media relations landscape face challenges like never before. Our attention spans are dwindling thanks to the never ending “push” of digital content. Demands from employers have grown, and the need to “feed the beast” grows and grows. The onslaught of new digital storytelling techniques, tactics and strategies is exceptionally challenging to keep up with.
But throughout it all, one thing remains constant, that will serve us all well in a rapidly evolving world. Say it with me folks: “The Force!”
No that’s not it.
There we go.
*Canadian Public Relations Society