Margaret Graham Award
Margaret Graham awards are presented annually by the Media Club of Ottawa (MCO) to honour the memory of Margaret “Miggsy” Graham, a pioneer woman journalist who played a leading role in the formation of the Canadian Women’s Press Club (CWPC). The first award was presented in 1976 for the best feature story written by a male or female reporter with less than three years’ experience, who was employed by an Ottawa-area daily or weekly newspaper. That year a framed certificate and $150 went to Linda Florence for a story she wrote for the Kingston News. Formally established in 1977, the award was initially given to a journalism student at Carleton University then broadened to include an Algonquin College journalism student and an Ottawa University communications student. It recognizes both academic success and overall excellence. Student winners are selected by the schools.
2021 Award Winners

Maggie van Lith

Michael Athey of Algonquin College
Melba Lent Woelfe Award
Since its establishment, the award has been presented to an Algonquin College student who has completed the second semester in the journalism program and has demonstrated exceptional writing skills in their first year. Established in 2008, in memory of long-time devoted Media Club member Melba Lent Woelflé (1921-2003), it is administered by the Community Foundation of Ottawa, a non-profit organization that manages a variety of charitable funds in perpituity. It is augmented by Media Club of Ottawa’s annual fund raisers and private donations by club members and friends. To make a tax deductible donation or bequest to your will, make a cheque out to the Melba Lent Woelflé Award Fund and mail it to the Community Foundation of Ottawa, 75 Albert Street, Suite 301, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5E7.
2021 Award Winner