Maggie van Lith

Andrea Sternberg of Algonquin College
Melba Lentle Woelfle Award
Michael Athey of Algonquin College
2020 recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Katelin Belliveau
2020 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Iliyana Shoushounova
2019 recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Tricia Surette
2018 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Tricia Surette
2018 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Rebecca Atkinson
2017 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Sarah Ferguson
2016 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Michael Clarke
2016 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Nicole McCormick
2015 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Amelia Buchana
2015 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Alica Gosslin
2014 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Michelle Ferguson
2013 recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Dani Elle Dubé
2013 recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

2012 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Cara Song
2011 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Adam Fiebel
2011 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Lydia Peever
2010 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

April Lim
2010 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Caitlin Kenny
2009 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Susan Schaefer
2008 Recipient of:
The Melba Lent Woelfé Award

Erin Kristalyn
2007 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Robert Walker
2006 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Daphane Blount-Carbonneau
2004 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Joel Koan
2004 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Marion Picken
2003 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Matt Wood
2002 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Susan Demaray
2001 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Camillia Corrigan
2000 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Diane Janvier
1999 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Heather Walton
1996 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Susan Turcotte
1997 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Kristina Davis
1996 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Tina Costanza
1995 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Karen Brown & Janice Kedrosky
1994 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Teresa Amoroso
1993 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Chris Bridgen & James Southgate
1992 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Terry Sue Buchanan
1991 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Lynn Saxberg
1990 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Sylvie Powell
1989 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Karen Turner
1988 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Karen Turner
1988 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Mary Heenan
1987 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Julianna Masson Hayes
1986 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Vicky Shackleton
1985 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Michael Hayes
1984 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Brian Langill
1983 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Stephan Chadwick
1982 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Robert Sterward
1982 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Barbara Fanjoy Reinhardus
1980 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Ian MacLeod & Yves Rouleau
1979 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Cheryl Rice
1978 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Jean Philippe Lepage
2012 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Thierno Bouis Diallo
2011 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Sophie Marcotte
2010 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Marcus Barry Callaghan
2007 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Rebecca Elliot
2007 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Sebastien Lepage
2005 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Francis Plourde
2003 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Mylene Croteau
2002 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Geneviève Dubois-Richard
2001 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Patrick Godbout
2000 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Marie-Eve Boisonnault
1999 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Chris Bondeneu
1998 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Angela Bonenfant
1997 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Marie Eve Thérien
1996 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Serge Quinty
1995 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Annie Laliberté
1994 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Roxanne Poulin
1993 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Marie-Chantelle Buteau
1992 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Algonquin College announces winner of Margaret Graham Award for 2021

Pascale Malenfant of Carleton University wins Margaret Graham Award 2021-2022

Samantha Pope
Margaret Graham Award
Julianne Tierney
2020 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Connor Oke
2019 recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Gabrielle Van Looyen
2018 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Patrick Butler at Carleton University
2017 Recipient of:
Margaret Graham Award
Rebecca Atkinson
2017 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Patrick Butler
2016 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Rachel Lindgren
2015 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Christine Ackerely
2014 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Ana Gajic
2013 recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award
Heather Kitching
2012 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Lauren Mitsuki
2011 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award
Sophie Marcotte
2010 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Anna Konewka
2009 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Arielle Godbout
2008 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Justin Feron
2007 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Joashua Finn
2006 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Heba Ali
2005 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Joel Koam
2004 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Kelly Patrick
2003 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Karen Fish
2002 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Barbara Brunzel
2001 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Jasmin Solonescu
2000 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Tracy Wates
1999 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Jennifer Ross
The Margaret Graham Award

Kirsten Gartenburg
1997 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Mary Vincent and Natalie Salat
1996 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Sharon Lebrun
1995 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Maureen Gannon
1994 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Margaret McGee
1993 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Tracy Hoskins
1992 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Amanda Cashmore
1990 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Monique Labelle
1989 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Janet McFarland
1987 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Julie Maybee
The Margaret Graham Award

Karen Chykaliuk
1985 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Michael Mandele
1984 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Shirley Bailey
1983 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Suzanne Aldred
1982 Recipient of:
The Margaret Graham Award

Roma Berns
The Margaret Graham Award

Donna Tranguada
The Margaret Graham Award

Gregory Taylor
The Margaret Graham Award

Lucie De Bois
The Margaret Graham Award